AUSPELD Understanding Language Difficulties - A Practical Guide (Revised Edition 2021 National)
Despite the best efforts of parents and educators to support a child's language development, some children will experience significant difficulties understanding and/or using language. It is estimated that the number of children in Australia with a language disorder is approximately 10% of the total student population. This guide is designed to provide principals, teachers, school psychologists and parents throughout Australia, with current information regarding the identification, assessment and intervention for children with language difficulties or language disorders. Furthermore, it aims to offer practical guidance on the most appropriate intervention and support, available to schools and families.
This guide provides valuable information including:
- Information on the developmental stages of language;
- The difference between language delays and language disorders;
- How Developmental Language Disorders are diagnosed;
- The differences between receptive language disorder and expressive language disorders;
- The differences between language disorders and learning disorders;
- Common signs of language delays in the classroom and at home;
- Recommended teaching and support strategies;
- Accommodation strategies designed to reduce the level of disadvantage a student with DLD may experience in the classroom; and
- Information on suitable Assistive Technology and information on when and how to introduce it.