Moon Dogs Bundle Pack 1
The SPELD Victoria Bookstore now offers an excellent range of classroom bundles which include multiple copies of each book in the series. These bundles are designed for use in classrooms for reading groups, intervention programs, or as take-home readers. These bundles make it easy for teachers to ensure that all students have access to high quality reading materials at the right level.
This bundle includes three (3) copies of sets 1, 2 and 3 of the Moon Dogs series (90 readers in total), and one (1) copy of each of the corresponding, photocopiable, workbooks (3 workbooks in total).
The Moon Dogs series is a catch up phonic reading series for older, struggling readers who would benefit from starting at the very beginning. It is aimed at older students and adults who are struggling with reading in mainstream and learning support settings.
Moon Dogs features contemporary, age-appropriate illustrations combined with fun stories to engage the older reader while the phonic structure ensures reading success.
Set 1 introduces the sounds of the alphabet at the CVC level. One line of text allows the reader to develop successful decoding strategies within a controlled text. Letters introduced in previous books are included at every new stage for practice and consolidation. A game, included in each book, offers further fun revision.
Book 1: s a t i m
Book 2: n o p
Book 3: b c g h
Book 4: d e f v
Book 5: k l r u
Book 6: j w z
Book 7: x y ff ll ss zz
Book 8: All initial sounds CVC
Set 2 introduces adjacent consonants and consonant digraphs:
Book 1: CVC
Book 2: VCC, CVCC
Book 3: CCVC
Book 4: CCVCC
Book 5: ch
Book 6: sh
Book 7: th ng
Book 8: ck qu
The Moon Dogs Vowel Spelling Series (Set 3) is a contemporary series of 14 books for older readers, continuing the adventures of the characters in the Moon Dogs band. Each story introduces two spellings of vowel sound. The progression echoes that of the Dandelion Readers and can therefore also be used alongside level 2 books. Each book contain a six page, fully illustrated story plus reading practice, vocabulary, comprehension questions and a game.
Set 3 follows Phase 5 Letters and Sounds, and contains:
Book 1: ai, ay
Book 2: ee, ea
Book 3: oa, ow
Book 4: ur, ir
Book 5: e, ea
Book 6: ow, ou
Book 7: oo, ue
Book 8: igh, i
Book 9: oo, oul
Book 10: oa, ow
Book 11: oy, oi
Book 12: ar, a
Book 13: air, are
Book 14: ear, eer