Moon Dogs Series - Set 1
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The Moon Dog series is a catch up phonic reading series for older, struggling readers who would benefit from starting at the very beginning. It is aimed at older pupils and adults who are struggling with reading in mainstream and special needs settings. Two sets of 8 blocks include short decodable texts which follow step-by-step phonic progression. Contemporary age appropriate illustrations combined with fun stories to engage the older reader while the phonic structure ensures reading success.
Set 1 introduces sounds gradually and reinforces reading these in CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. All words are at CVC level with one line of text to the page. One line of text allows the reader to develop successful decoding strategies within a controlled text. Letters introduced in previous books are included at every new stage for practice and consolidation. A game, included in each book, offers further fun revision.
Book 1: Is it Matt? - s a t i m
Book 2: Tam has a Nap - n o p
Book 3: Sim and the Bat - b c g h
Book 4: Ned, the Cat - d e f v
Book 5: Kip's Bad Leg - k l r u
Book 6: Jed's Bag - j w z
Book 7: The Big Hill - x y ff ll ss zz
Book 8: Ned is Bad - All initial sounds CVC
The Moon Dog Workbook can be purchased separately and is a photocopiable resource. It contains word building, reading, spelling, comprehension and more activities.
Set 1 introduces sounds gradually and reinforces reading these in CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. All words are at CVC level with one line of text to the page. One line of text allows the reader to develop successful decoding strategies within a controlled text. Letters introduced in previous books are included at every new stage for practice and consolidation. A game, included in each book, offers further fun revision.
Book 1: Is it Matt? - s a t i m
Book 2: Tam has a Nap - n o p
Book 3: Sim and the Bat - b c g h
Book 4: Ned, the Cat - d e f v
Book 5: Kip's Bad Leg - k l r u
Book 6: Jed's Bag - j w z
Book 7: The Big Hill - x y ff ll ss zz
Book 8: Ned is Bad - All initial sounds CVC
The Moon Dog Workbook can be purchased separately and is a photocopiable resource. It contains word building, reading, spelling, comprehension and more activities.